Blogs > The View, A Male's Point

I have to admit my guilty pleasure is going home from work and watching "The View". As a faithful fan I noticed that very rarely does a man get to sit at the table and chime in on Hot Topics. Well, here is my chance to express my views on Hot Topics, movies, TV, Theater, current events, politics and my observations on life! Your comments are always welcome.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Happened to the Preposition?

The other day I was driving past Lansdale Catholic High School and saw something that is one of my biggest pet peeves. On their school marquee was “Down the Shore” School Reunion. I may be paraphrasing the second part but the “Down the Shore” is what irks me.

I understand that in Philadelphia and the surrounding area it is a local colloquialism to say I’m going “down the shore” or when I was “down the shore”, but that is and always will be improper grammar. I am no grammar expert and have been known to drop a preposition here and there but; I do know that there is supposed to be a 2 letter preposition in there. For example, “down TO the shore” or “when I was down AT the shore”. Is it too much to ask? Well, maybe it is too much for the local population since you have grown up with it, but Lansdale Catholic is a SCHOOL where they are supposed to TEACH proper English and grammar.

And it’s not just the schools that are guilty, what about newscasters and weather people they too drop the proverbial preposition in favor of the colloquialism. I ‘m sorry, but I hold these people to a higher standard. Even the editor of this paper (sorry Nona) and I have had a debate on the issue because she would also PRINT the colloquialism.

I just don’t know why we all can’t start using a 2 letter preposition instead of treating it like a 4 letter word!

As always comments are welcome and remember to stop, take a look around and enjoy your view!


Blogger Unknown said...

Do you mean "too much to ask" and "too much for the local population"?

Since you are talking good grammar?

July 20, 2010 at 5:40 PM 
Blogger Scott Miller said...

Yes Dena, you are correct. Thank you for pointing out my errors and the corrections have been done.

July 21, 2010 at 5:58 AM 
Blogger Blog editors said...

I grew up in North Jersey and my mother swears she used to also say 'down the shore' though I don't remember that.
Maybe it's just one of those things that makes Philly a little more Philly. Now, if youse'll excuse, me, I'm going down the hoagie shop for a cheesesteak (wit).

July 21, 2010 at 9:24 AM 

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