Blogs > The View, A Male's Point

I have to admit my guilty pleasure is going home from work and watching "The View". As a faithful fan I noticed that very rarely does a man get to sit at the table and chime in on Hot Topics. Well, here is my chance to express my views on Hot Topics, movies, TV, Theater, current events, politics and my observations on life! Your comments are always welcome.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lawrence Loses His Dancing Feet...Again!

I have just learned that Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor has been charged with rape. Taylor seems to have an extremely checkered past with drugs and prostitutes. He also did a stint on Dancing with the Stars.

Taylor is just another example of a professional athlete gone wrong. Whether its rape, dog fights, shooting, or drugs professional athletes and performers just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. I tend to think part of the problem is that for most of us there would not be any previous experience that can prepare you for Fame and Fortune!”

My solution would be a very simple one. When an athlete signs the contract to go pro, there should be an outside firm that has nothing to do with the team come in and give them an orientation on Fame. They should talk to them about the ups and downs and pitfalls of being famous. Warn them about how drugs, sex and getting into clubs and parties are going to be directly at their finger tips, probably shoved in their faces. Is this person trying to get close to me because of who I am or because of WHO I am? They should also teach them how to manage their money and prepare them for what happens after it all ends. The athletes and performers do have their entourages’ of agents, managers etc. but these are the leeches in the business and are there to blow smoke up their you know whats!

That’s it for now, and as always your comments are welcome. (Is anyone really reading this?) And remember to stop, take a look around and enjoy Your View!


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