Blogs > The View, A Male's Point

I have to admit my guilty pleasure is going home from work and watching "The View". As a faithful fan I noticed that very rarely does a man get to sit at the table and chime in on Hot Topics. Well, here is my chance to express my views on Hot Topics, movies, TV, Theater, current events, politics and my observations on life! Your comments are always welcome.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DWTS Pilot Unfortunately Crashes

Today’s entry will be short and not so sweet. This week Dancing With the Stars said good-bye to one of my favorite contestants this season. Jake the pilot, unfortunately did not receive enough viewer support and hence his jet will be heading home.

The thing about Jake that I really liked was his tenacity and his personality. When the Gosselin was doing her boo hoo I’m not a performer, athlete or actor and that’s why I suck, I would say take a look at Jake. His only TV experience was making out with a bevy of beautiful women on “The Bachelor.”(Nice work if you can get it!)

Always smiling he danced with a fervor that I haven’t seen before and I will miss. I think if he had learned to let everything go and trust that he knew the dance and relax on performance night he could have gone to the final 3. Now we’ll never know and it’s one less guy on the show. It’s up to you Chad and Evan!

Also this week Melissa Etheridge gave two kick-ass performances that blew me away.

Until the next time, as always comments are welcome and remember to stop, look around and enjoy your view!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Who Pulled a Gosselin?

Ok, so somebody “pulled a Gosselin”* last night on “Dancing With the Stars”.

Was it Pamela, no!(Although, she always looks like she’s heavily medicated when it comes to performance night and I really like her!)

Was it Niecy, no, but she did do a really funny Argentine Tango and also gave her best performance of the season.

Was it Erin, no but she was a real close runner up! She did a great samba and swing, so way to go Erin !

No, not Evan even though this was not a good week for him with the judges, but I think he will be good to go on.

Not, Chad, he had his best week so far. I’m not sure how far he will go, but if he continues to improve like this he will go further then I first thought!

And definitely not Jake "The Bachelor". He is one of the hardest and enthusiastic dancers this season. I do think he does try to hard the night of the competition and if he just lets go and relaxes he could go all the way!

Last night’s winner of “Pullin a Gosselin”…Nicole!!! In rehearsals she was a whiner, and complainer and thought she knew it all and gave poor Derrick a really hard time. I know it’s hard to be on top and then feeling the pressure to stay there, but you can still stay patient and open and non-divaish!

My prediction for this week’s bottom two, will be Pamela and Jake!
Who will go? My verdict is not in!

*Pullin a Gosselin" - Behaving badly, entitled, bitchy, whining, not listening to professional, going boo hoo!!!

As always comments are always welcome and remember to stop, look around and enjoy your view!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who Gave the Pine Tree a Buzz Cut?

“I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree” Joyce Kilmer.

That is unless the tree happens to be in the way of the power lines. Is a tree with one side of it’s branches gone or the center removed so it looks like a goal post still lovely? Or my personal favorite, the tall Pine tree with a flat buzz cut!

Beautiful trees totally mangled and maimed, some of the cuts will never grow back. I have never seen such a butcher job done to one of nature’s beautiful creations all in the name of power lines.

Some of these poor trees have probably been around since the 1700s or longer. Do they plan these designs? How would you feel if you went for a haircut and they put a goal post on your head or shaved off one side of your head so that your hair will never grow back all for the sake of ugly electrical wires. Now I know the wires serve a purpose and yes, I need my electricity and yes, I love my cable TV and Internet, but isn’t there a better, more esthetically pleasing way of clearing the wires which leaves these trees some dignity?

Am I alone on this with my feelings? Please feel free to comment and let me know.
That's it for now and remember to stop, look around and enjoy your view!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My First Day and Kate's Last Dance...Finally!

Welcome to the first day of my blog “The View” A Male’s Point.

I have to admit that one of my guilty pleasures is coming home from work, grabbing a can of Canada Dry Ginger Ale (my form of beer) and watching “The View”. I started doing this back during the Obama/Bush Presidential elections because I would see these snippets of the “debates” between the ladies Joy, Barbara, Sherri, Whoopi and the lone Republican Elizabeth on the web and I wanted to see more, and once I did I became addicted. I also happen to be a HUGE fan of Whoopi Goldberg, I think she is one of my most truly admired people. She is a WYSIWYG and there is nothing phony about her.

The show does on a very rare occasion invite a “male” to join them at the table for “Hot Topics”, so I got the idea of doing a blog giving a male’s point of view to some of the Hot Topics from the show, also included here will be my own Hot Topics and possibly reviews of movies, plays and TV shows as well as just some observations I have made on life and the things that are happening around me. If this blog takes off, who knows maybe I’ll be invited to sit at the table with the ladies...(it could happen) :)

So, for my first official topic I’d like to talk about someone who has been in entertainment news and also a hot topic for me as well as the ladies of “The View”, Kate “Boo Hoo” Gosselin. After 5 weeks of stinking up not only the dance floor on DWTS but also showing no respect for her professional, Tony Dovolani, I can happily say Ding Dong the WITCH (I have a better word) is GONE!!! To quote Kate “I need a moment” Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo. Yeah Yeah now go back to being a parent.

People ask me why I dislike this woman so much. I guess it started with the only episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 that I happened to accidentally watch. I witnessed a women belittling and emasculating her husband all over the way he was cleaning the garage on national TV, OK it was cable but still same thing. I thought “wow, what a …” I also recently heard from a friend who’s brother worked on Jon and Kate and said, she and her husband were both good parents but she was a real…” I’m sorry but that's an oxymoron, how can you be both? If your children are around you and they see you treating others like idiots they will learn. You have to be careful the things you say and do because children will listen and learn. And who do they learn from first, their parents. Kate your 15 minutes is long over and it's time you realized it. I may have to check out "A Twist of Kate", I think they mean "Twisted Kate" just to give me new material. I will also be coining a new phrase and that will be whenever I see someone not giving it their all and giving attitude I'll tell them to stop "Pulling a Gosselin"!

Well that’s it for today.Remember your comments are always welcome and wanted. I hope you enjoyed it and remember to stop, look around and enjoy your view!